From as young as 2 years old your children are free to experience learning through play and discovery within our beautiful environment.
We make full use of our unique surroundings, incorporating the natural classroom into our daily routine, guiding your children in their social, physical, intellectual, spiritual, creative and emotional development within a healthy environment. We realise the importance of this phase of your child’s development as it prepares them for Grade 1.

Against a backdrop of fauna and flora unique to Woodridge, the children learn to nurture their surroundings, all living things and each other. This exciting natural backdrop becomes a canvas for future sporting activities, art, drama and self-discovery through play.
With an emphasis on the importance of a healthy learning environment, we encourage physical and cultural skills by incorporating two extramural activities, namely Monkeynastix and Kindermusiek, into our school fees.
We also have various other extramural activities (not included in the fees) offered at the school, including Ballet, Judo, Sandula Kids, Horse-riding, Swimming, Golf and Tennis.