

At Woodridge College, we strive to provide pupils with a stimulating academic environment that enables achievement to the best of their ability. Our underlying values are discipline, accountability, commitment, honesty, and mutual respect. We prioritise and protect academic time and provide regular and meaningful communication regarding the capabilities and performance of each pupil, to enhance the quality of their learning.

Although our pupils are fully involved in all aspects of school life, we strive to maximise experiential education opportunities in both teaching and learning. Assessment is regular and varied. Apart from weekly test lessons and two exam sessions per year, pupils write tests, complete homework assignments, carry out research, thorough scientific-practical investigations, and presentations.

Three academic reports are sent out to parents electronically every year. Every subject teacher comments on the progress of the pupil.

We write the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) matric examinations. We value their excellent standards and the open feedback with examiners. Although we follow a similar syllabus as the government schools, the examination process is independent. The results are ratified by Umalusi, the same body that ratifies the state examination results. Many universities around the world recognise the IEB Matric results. Most of our teachers are involved in the marking process at the National or Regional level. 

In Grade 9, pupils have to make the difficult choice of which subjects to take in the FET phase of their schooling. Discussions with pupils, a presentation to parents, and personalised feedback from an educational psychologist all guide the pupil in making informed decisions.  

All pupils are offered English as a Home Language. Afrikaans and Xhosa are offered First Additional Languages, while foreign pupils are offered French as a Second Additional Language.

For a small school, we offer a large variety of subjects for Grades 10-12. The subjects in the junior grades are generally split into specific disciplines, with subject specialists providing our pupils with real insight into the subject matter. Drama was introduced in 2016 to complement the input of the Music and Visual Arts departments.

Mathematics remains an area of focus, with more teaching time given to these classes and allowing pupils access to Further Studies in Mathematics, in addition to Further Studies in English.

All subjects provide extra assistance through afternoon clinics. Subject teachers remain available in the classrooms to assist individuals or groups of pupils in mastering the content. 

2024 Matric Results

The Woodridge College matric class of 2024 achieved a 100% pass rate, with 63 Bachelor Degree passes, one Diploma pass, two Higher Certificate passes, and a total of 125 distinctions, with an impressive 17 for Mathematics alone.

The top achievers, with 7 distinctions each, were Gareth Bekker, Matthew Boucher, and Meera von Berg. One pupil, Caeli Marengo-Barnard, achieved six distinctions, followed by Evah Montagna, Ben Opperman, Connor Rowe, and Erica Zhang, each with five.

A remarkable 35% of pupils registered for Mathematics achieved distinctions in the subject, which is a testament to their dedication and mastery. The top achievers, Matthew Boucher and Tylah Brink, achieved a mark of 97%, with four others earning marks above 90%: Gareth Bekker (95%), Meera von Berg (94%), Caeli Marengo-Barnard (92%), and Ben Opperman (92%). Mathew Boucher and Tylah Brink also earned distinctions for Further Studies Mathematics.



One of the greatest concerns for parents is choosing the best school for their children. It is a daunting responsibility. Not only do parents want a "value for money" education, but a school that keeps their children safe, in a healthy environment while offering a great foundation for a promising future.

The final matric exam results are of fundamental importance for aspiring pupils, building their tertiary education and subsequent careers in specific fields. Universities, colleges and trade schools base their acceptance models on these results.

As a private school, Woodridge College is a proud member of ISASA (Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa) and the IEB (Independent Examinations Board).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between the IEB and the NSC?

    • The IEB (Independent Examinations Board) is a privately-owned agency, which predominantly supports private or independent schools. Their vision is to advance quality teaching and learning in South Africa through an assessment process of integrity, innovation and international comparability while recognising its role in developing responsible citizens who can negotiate the challenges of a global world. The IEB adheres to the CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement) system and is the only theoretical alternative to the NSC (National Senior Certificate) examination structure. The NSC is the exam undertaken by government schools in South Africa and issued, authorised and facilitated by the Department of Basic Education.
  • Why should I choose IEB over NSC?

    • Essentially, the IEB seeks to nurture problem-solving abilities, more so than the NSC, while also testing additional methodologies. The IEB exams are therefore said to be more complex, requiring a heightened skillset. Supporters of the IEB model have confirmed the curriculum’s progressive nature and its superior outcomes. At the same time, many teachers, parents, pupils and South African universities, even abroad, consider it as a more challenging and comprehensive assessment than the NSC.
  • What is different about the outcome of the IEB vs. NSC examinations?

    • Not that much actually. In both cases, the pupil receives a Matric Certificate from Umalusi, the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Authority in South Africa. However, it has been widely documented that a pupil with excellent IEB results is readily accepted to Ivy League and Oxbridge institutions without pursuing further requirements such as A-levels. This is due to the pupil being better prepared for further studies due to the methodology of the IEB.

subjects offered

Non-Optional Subjects

Physical Science
Life Science
Computers Technology

Optional Subjects

South African Students:
Afrikaans or isiXhosa

*Those with immigrant status will be accommodated

All Grade 8s pick one of the following:

Visual Art or Drama

Non-Optional Subjects

Physical Science
Life Science
Computers Technology

Optional Subjects

South African Students:
Afrikaans or isiXhosa

*Those with immigrant status will be accommodated

All Grade 9s pick one of the following:
Visual Art or Drama

Pupils choose one subject per numbered line:

  1. English
  2. Afrikaans or isiXhosa (*those with immigrant status will be accommodated)
  3. Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy
  4. Life Orientation
  5. Physical Sciences, Business Studies, History, Geography
  6. Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, IT, CAT, Geography, Music, History
  7. Tourism, Life Sciences, Business Studies, Accounting, Drama, Visual Art

CAT = Computer Applications Technology (Microsoft programs, internet, jargon. etc)
IT = Information Technology (programming with Java)
Life Sciences = Biology

Note for Grades 10-12:

  • To take Physical Science a pupil must take Mathematics
  • A pupil cannot choose both CAT and IT

Pupils choose one subject per numbered line:

  1. English
  2. Afrikaans or isiXhosa (*those with immigrant status will be accommodated)
  3. Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy
  4. Life Orientation
  5. Physical Sciences, Business Studies, History, Tourism
  6. Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, IT, CAT, Music, Geography
  7. Tourism, Life Sciences, Business Studies, Accounting, Drama, Visual Art

CAT = Computer Applications Technology (Microsoft programs, internet, jargon. etc)
IT = Information Technology (programming with Java)
Life Sciences = Biology

Note for Grades 10-12:

  • To take Physical Science a pupil must take Mathematics
  • A pupil cannot choose both CAT and IT

Pupils choose one subject per numbered line:

  1. English
  2. Afrikaans or isiXhosa (*those with immigrant status will be accommodated)
  3. Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy
  4. Life Orientation
  5. Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, History, Business Studies, History, Drama, CAT, Music
  6. Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, IT, CAT (already fully subscribed for 2025), Geography
  7. Geography, Life Sciences, Business Studies, Accounting, Visual Art, Tourism

CAT = Computer Applications Technology (Microsoft programs, internet, jargon. etc)
IT = Information Technology (programming with Java)
Life Sciences = Biology

Note for Grades 10-12:

  • To take Physical Science a pupil must take Mathematics
  • A pupil cannot choose both CAT and IT