

At Woodridge, the ultimate authority is the Woodridge Trust. Their role is to:

  • Hold the school and its mission in trust
  • Set policies (admissions, financial aid, class size, etc.)
  • Ensure the financial stability of the school
  • Appoint and support the heads
  • Plan strategically for the future
  • Evaluate the performance of the heads and the school 

The Executive Committee of Trustees for this year is as follows:

Mr Andrea Puggia (Chairman)
Mr Paul Lynch
Mr George Yerolemou
Mr Weza Moss
Mr Dave Nezar
Mr Neil Crawford
Mrs Cumisa Makalima
Mrs Nonkqubela Maliza
Mr Grant Puttergill, Chairman of the OWA (ex officio)
Mr Luke Hartley, Headmaster of College (ex officio)
Mr Trevor von Berg, Headmaster of Preparatory School (ex officio)
Mr Dave Emslie, Business Manager (ex officio)

The Executive Committee of Trustees reserves the right to co-opt persons to serve on any sub-committee or for any expertise, which may be required for a specific issue.

find out more

Feel free to download a summary of our Strategic Plan and Statement of Intent below