
Further Studies Matric Results 2024

Dec 23, 2024 / Catherine Logie / College / General

Woodridge College is immensely proud of the pupils who recently completed the November Further Studies English and Mathematics Examinations. Twelve of our pupils took on the challenge of additional subjects, demonstrating exceptional talent, dedication, and academic prowess. Their results are a testament to their hard work, resilience, and the unwavering support of our staff throughout the year.

We are especially proud of Matthew Boucher, who achieved an ‘A’ overall in Further Studies Mathematics Extended, with outstanding marks of 86% in the Standard paper and 70% in the Elective paper. We also celebrate Ben Opperman, who earned 73% in the Further Studies Mathematics Standard paper, and Hannah Watson, who achieved 72% in Further Studies English paper.

"We are incredibly proud of our pupils' achievements in the Further Studies Examinations," said Luke Hartley, Headmaster of Woodridge College. "The nature of Further Studies demands not only exceptional analytical skills but also creativity, problem-solving, and perseverance. Our pupils have risen to the challenge, and their results reflect the high academic standards we strive to foster at Woodridge College."

In addition to their academic success, the Further Studies pupils have shown significant personal growth in areas such as critical thinking, teamwork, and resilience—skills that will undoubtedly serve them well in their future academic and professional endeavours.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our Further Studies pupils and their families for their dedication and achievements.

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