

Officially launched in 2022, the Woodridge Parents' Association (WPA) was formed in order to fulfil its purpose in facilitating:

  • Communication: Aiding clear and constructive communication between the parent body and school.
  • Campus Enrichment:  Identifying opportunities for campus enrichment and motivating these parent-driven special projects to the Trust.
  • Connection: Creating opportunities for parents to connect with one another and the school itself.

The WPA undertakes to act as an effective communication conduit between parents and the school. It endeavours to facilitate constructive communication through:

  • The Online Feedback Form: Parents are invited to submit feedback via the Online Feedback Form. The link to the form is shareable via email, text and Whatsapp, expediting the submission process. The WPA will either direct the query appropriately, seek comment from the school and revert, or will collate and present weightier issues directly to the Headmasters at termly WPA / Headmasters meetings.
  • Biannual Parent / Trust Forums: The WPA will organise Parent / Trust forums twice a year. Ahead of these forums, invitations will be extended to parents to suggest agenda items. With a finalized agenda, Trust members will have the opportunity to address and discuss each item with attendees at the forum.
  • School Communication: The WPA undertakes to facilitate any communication from Heads or Trust, to the parent body, when called upon to do so.

Campus Enrichment:
The WPA undertakes to collate any proposals for special projects - motivated by parents - and to present those proposals to the Headmasters and the Woodridge Trust. Should a project be approved by the Trust, the WPA will work in conjunction with the Woodridge Foundation, the official fundraising arm of the school - to source the finances.

The WPA will organize regular opportunities for parents to connect with one another and with the school itself. Social get-togethers, informal evenings at the Pavilion and other similar events will become recurring highlights on the school calendar.

committee members

The founding committee members are as follows:

Mr Nicki de Villiers (College Representative and Chairman)
Mrs Sarah Deseta (Prep Representative)
Mrs Susan de Villiers
Mrs Andrea Dyer
Mr Craig Kilfoil
Mr Roland Kroon
Mrs Sam Kroon
Mr Mark Lippstreu
Mrs Cledia Smith

For queries, please email us on info@woodridgeparents.co.za or complete the online feedback form here

submit your feedback

Please use the Online Feedback Form below to submit feedback directly to the Woodridge Parents’ Association:

online feedback form

NB: For urgent or operational concerns, please contact the school directly.

PA to College Headmaster:
Hajira Dladla (041 492 0344 / hajira.dladla@woodridge.co.za)
PA to Prep Headmaster:
Sarah Moodley (041 492 2384 / sarah.moodley@woodridge.co.za)
Bus Co-Ordinator
Lindani Majeke (041 492 0005 / lindani.majeke@woodridge.co.za)
Melanie Darlow (041 492 2395 / melanie.darlow@woodridge.co.za)
Clothing Shop:
Annemarie Botes (041 492 2406 / shopinfo@woodridge.co.za)
Sister Baard / Scholtz (041 492 2407 / sanatorium@woodridge.co.za)
College Psychologist:
Chantél Minnie (chantel.minnie@woodridge.co.za)

watch this space

We will be sharing our past, present and future projects here soon, so watch this space!